Cerebral Palsy treatments with Chiropractic

Dr. Clary uses Functional Analysis Technique and a European Rehabilitative Method called the Bobath Method to treat patients with Cerebral Palsy. Dr. Fred Clary is the founder of Functional Analysis Chiropractic Technique. The rehabilitative portion of Functional Analysis Chiropractic Technique focuses on primitive human movement patterns and deep reflexive motor programs. The Bobath Concept , which focuses on allowing the patient to move as much as possible with more approbraite tone. This is an important approach to rehabilitation in the care of patients with injuries to the brain or spinal cord. It is named after its inventors, Berta Bobath, a physiotherapist, and her husband Karel, a neurophysiologist.

Dr. Fred Clary’s treatment methods are based on the brain’s ability to reorganize (Neuroplasticity), which means that healthy parts of the brain acquire and take on the functions which were previously carried out by the injured sections of the brain. The imperative for this to occur is reasonable support and stimulation of the patient on the part of the patient’s caretakers.

The main aim of treatment is to encourage and increase the child’s ability to move and function in as normal a way as possible. More normal movements cannot be obtained if the child stays in a few positions and moves in a limited or disordered way. The aim of management is to help the child to change his abnormal postures and movements so that he or she is able to comfortably adapt to the environment and develop a better quality of functional skills

Each patient affected with brain injury can change his or her postural (muscle) tone. Tone is changeable, not only in relation to activity and moods, but also in response to being handled.

The first stage towards achieving functional activity is to enable the child with spasticity to be less stiff and the child with athetosis to gain some control over their posture and movement. The child with cerebral palsy also grows and develops, but his pattern of growth , synchronized movements and muscle firing patterns are delayed or inefficient.

The brain controls all movements, so that when some part of the brain is damaged, as in cerebral palsy, the direction of motor programs (the patient’s movements) is disorganized resulting in inefficient and ineffective movement.

 Each case is treated individually as NO TWO Cases are exactly the same as each individual’s personality is different.

In summary, the Dr. Fred Clary’s approach states that each child and patient has the potential for an improved life with better function. The doctor must work with the patient by doing “what works the best”. This requires an ongoing knowledge of current scientific motor control and neurological /rehabilitation literature, and boldness to put deficient theories in the past.






A Functional Life

2677 Innsbruck Drive Ste. D

New Brighton, MN 55112


Need additional assistance? Please contact us:

E: drfredclary@yahoo.com

 P: (651) 330-2016


M: 9am – 12pm : 4pm – 8pm
 T: 9am – 12pm :    Closed
W:     Closed      : 3pm – 8pm
Th:    Closed      :    Closed
  F:       9am – 2pm
